The number one thing that holds most people from embarking on travels and adventures around the world is money. It is common to hear people saying stuff like, I don’t have enough money to travel or traveling nowadays is very expensive. Many wanderlusters scour the internet regularly to find guides on traveling for cheap.
Therefore, our dearest reader we decided to share some wisdom of our own when it comes to traveling for cheap or traveling with no money.  The first thing you need to keep in mind that that you don’t have to be rich to travel. There are plenty of ways to travel on a budget, even for free, you just have to be a little creative and of course, do your research.Â
Even though traveling with no money sounds like a fantastical dream, we can assure you it’s not. Traveling for cheap or with no money is not a glamorous venture, but nevertheless, is possible. When traveling for cheap, there are a few expenses that you should never compensate for, like getting a traveler’s insurance. Let’s do an in-depth analysis of how we can venture the world without breaking the bank.
The Ultimate Guide to Traveling for Cheap in 2023-24
Traveling for Cheap or Traveling with No Money
Two major things that all travelers want to know will me discussed in this article: traveling for cheap and traveling with no money. When it comes to traveling for cheap, you have to do your research. Try to find helpful apps and websites that allow you to travel on a budget without breaking the bank. Moreover, you also have to try to find various ways that will help you lower expenses, or better yet try to make money on the go.
Traveling for cheap is all about finding value all the while trying to lower your expenses and still being able to afford the things you want. On the other hand, traveling with no money entails taking advantage of all things free, such as free transportation, accommodation, food as well as activities. You will be surprised with how many free things you will find to do on your travels, just a little bit of pre-planning and research is required. When traveling with no money you can also utilize points and miles in order to get free flights and accommodations. In this kind of travel, you will have to sacrifice your convenience and comfort in order to extend your travels.
Nevertheless, with the right mindset, right budget, and pre-planning you can make your dreams of traveling without breaking the bank a reality. Donets matter if you are in debt or don’t make a lot, there are still plenty of ways via which you can traverse the overseas. Cheap and free travel isn’t fancy or luxurious, but if you are a hardcore traveler, such things won’t bother you in the least.
1. Get a Job Overseas When Traveling for Cheap

Ever heard about working on the go? Well, it’s a great way if you are traveling for cheap or with no money. Overseas you will come across plenty of job opportunities the only requirement is that you aren’t picky. Keep in mind that this isn’t a career you are starting, it’s just a temporary way to earn money as you fulfill your dream of traveling.
You might have come across many people who have traversed the entire globe and aren’t Bill Gates. They do that by taking up odd jobs in the places they are traveling to. The jobs pay enough for food and accommodation and also allow you to meet locals and get insider tips on the best attractions and from where you can get cheap or free stuff. Given below are some jobs that are popular and can be found easily when traveling:
Au Pair – An au pair is a live-in caregiver who looks after the children of the host family and also does some basic housekeeping. In exchange for your work, you will be provided with free room and board, plus a small salary. Opting to become an au pair will not only allow you to learn a new language but will provide you with a more immersive cultural experience.
Bartender – If you have the skills, then opting to be a bartender in a foreign land is a good gig. It is an easy job that pays enough for you to get around. However, if you don’t possess the skills to tend a bar you can opt for being a dishwasher or busser.
Hostel Worker – There is always demand for new help in hostels as hostel workers rarely stick around, therefore, when traveling consider applying for this job as it is a great way for you to meet other travelers, all the while earning a few bucks that will help you get by. In order to avoid visa complications, you can also start as a volunteer at the hostel in exchange for a free room. Three websites i.e. Workaway, HelpX, and Worldpackers will help you find hostels around the world, where you can volunteer. Â
Waiter or Waitress – The world is filled to the brim with seasonal restaurants that need extra helping hands during the peak tourist months. Consider applying for the job of a waiter or waitress, if you have the experience, at these restaurants.
Dive Instructor – In case you have your dive instructor certification then look no further the becoming a dive instructor as you travel. Dive instructors are needed almost everywhere in the world and the most excellent aspect of being a dive instructor is that this job is usually in picturesque tropical locations.
Tour Guide – What is the best job for a tourist? That is being a tour guide of course. Traversing the popular attractions without spending a dime and connecting with people as you take them through your favorite places is a dream come true. Moreover, being a tour guide is usually a cash job which means tips will be given to you directly.
Cruise Ship Worker – Traveling aboard a grand ship, sailing to far-off lands without paying thousands of dollars is a dream that many harbor. If you have such dreams, consider becoming a cruise ship worker. This position is a formal one, but nevertheless is a great way to travel and see the world. The hours are long, but nothing beats free food, boarding, and views of the sea.
Casino Worker – Becoming a casino worker requires some training. However, if you have a basic idea of the job and don’t mind staying up all night then this a great job to opt for as you travel overseas.
Yacht Worker – If you opt to be a yacht worker, be ready to work for long hours. Despite the long working hours, this a great job that allows you to make good money as you work for the famous and the rich in their yachts. And what’s best about this job is that it usually takes you to some amazing places.
Ski Resorts Seasonal Workers – From restaurant staff to workers to lifeguards to hotel staff, ski resorts are always on the lookout for staff to keep things moving which makes them a literal goldmine for overseas travelers. The only requirement is that you must love the snow.
Yoga Instructor – If you harbor the skills and of course the certification, you can opt for teaching yoga as you travel overseas. It is an easy way to make some spending money all the while staying in shape.
Many people think that working overseas is hard, however, it’s the exact opposite and you just have to keep an open mind. The jobs mentioned above do not require advanced degrees nor do they ask for a lot of work experience. But these jobs pay enough for you to cover your travel bills and fulfill your dream of traveling for cheap. Apart from the money-making benefit, by working overseas you can also length your travels and have a more immersive experience.
2. Traveling for Cheap by Teaching English Overseas

When traveling with no money, one of the best ways that you can make some money is by teaching English overseas. All you need to have with you is a TEFL degree and of course, a tongue that is fluent in English. English is a great asset and many around the world are yearning for able teachers to teach them this widely spoken language. This job is in high demand in many areas and many companies in Asia also pay for flight and accommodation expenses of English teachers.
Though not a necessary requirement in many countries, if you possess a college or university degree you will be able to make a lot more money and apply for better positions as well. Moreover, as we live in the digital age there are many services and websites available that allow you to teach English from the comfort of your couch. The only requirement is that you have a good Wi-Fi connection. Some great places where you can teach English online are VIPKid, Cambly, and Italki.Â
3. When Traveling with No Money Do Work on a FarmÂ

WWOOF is a platform that stands for World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farm and allows people to lend their hand on a farm in exchange for food and room. By working on a farm, you get to explore the area in depth and commune with the great outdoors. The only expense you will have to bear is the one that will get you to the form, once you are there, everything from food and board is covered. Working on a farm is a great way to travel cheaply all the while allowing you to have a unique experience and meet lots of cool people and of course animals.
WWOOF has opportunities available in about 130 countries around the world and has over 12,000 hosts and about 100,000 WWOOFers. Some of the destinations that are immensely popular among the WWOOFers are France, Costa Rica, Portugal, Italy, New Zealand, Australia, and Hawaii.Â
4. When Traveling for Cheap, Use the Sharing EconomyÂ

A sharing economy is a peer-to-peer economic system that allows people to connect with one another to trade services and goods for nominal fees. You can use the sharing economy to find cheaper accommodations, rideshare options, quirky tour guides as well and home-cooked meals with local chefs. With sharing economy websites, you can bypass the traditional travel industry, gaining access to locals who use their own set of skills and assets to become small tourism companies with cheaper prices.
Moreover, no one knows the area better than the locals and they can tell you where you can find the best deals, which supermarket is the cheapest, where are the hole in the wall bars and restaurants with the tastiest food and cheapest prices, and where you can find the stores that offer the best discounts and sales.
Talking to the locals will give to access to more in-depth knowledge of the area. The sharing economy websites have drastically changed the travel game, making it more accessible. Given below are some of the best sharing economy websites:
BlaBlaCar – BlaBlaCar is a top-notch ride-sharing app that connects with drivers who have extra seats in their cars. This is primarily for medium and long distances, mainly in Europe.Â
RVShare – This website allows you to rent campers and RVs directly from the locals.
EatWith – EatWith is a platform that helps connect you with local coos that serve private meals.Â
Campspace – This platform allows you to find private properties where you can camp. The properties listed on Campspace range from basic tent plots to luxe gaming and RV stays.Â
Turo – This is a car-sharing and renting marketplace that allows you to rent vehicles from locals.Â
Trusted Housesitters – This platform allows you to connect with locals with whom you exchange house and pet-sitting services for free lodging.Â
5. When Traveling for Cheap Cook Your Own Meals

When you are traveling for cheap or traveling with no money, the best way to save some bucks is by cooking all of your meals. Eating out can destroy your budget, where you can buy groceries worth $60 for a whole week, eating out will set you back by more than $150. In case you are staying at hotels, make sure to opt for an accommodation that comes with a kitchen, so you have space to cook your own meals.
When Couchsurfing or opting for an Airbnb, make sure that your host has a kitchen. However, if you don’t have a kitchen then you can improvise by packing your own cutlery and container for making sandwiches and salads on the go as not every meal requires a stove. Keep in mind that just because you are traveling that does not mean that you have to eat out three times every single day. You won’t ruin your trip to Paris or London if you decide to skip eating out and cooking for yourself. Eating out costs a lot and will put a substantial dent in your budget.
6. When Traveling for Cheap, Get Rial Passes

A great way to save money on transportation, especially train travel is opting for rail passes like the JR Pass in Japan and the Eurail Pass in Europe. Rail passes are also a lot cheaper option if you are traveling around the region for a while as booking individual trips costs a whole lot of money than buying a rail pass, you can do the math.
In case you are hell-bent on booking individual trips, make sure to book ahead of time, as booking ahead of time can usually save you about 50% of the cost of a train ticket. However, there is a caveat. By booking ahead of time you will have to adhere to a set timeline. However, if you are the kind who doesn’t want to be bound by a fixed schedule then opting for rail passes is a great option as not only will it help save money but will offer all the flexibility that you need.
7. When Traveling for Cheap, Sleep in Large Dorms

Make sure to opt for large hostel dorms when. Traveling for cheap as these rooms are the cheapest accommodation out there. Especially if Couchsurfing isn’t your thing, this is one of the best options that will save you money and offer you a place to sleep. Also, keep in mind that the bigger the dorm the cheaper will be the price.
Even though a 4 to 6-bed dorm offers more privacy, a dorm with 12 to 18 beds comes at a cheaper price which will benefit you in the long run. Just make sure to pack some earplugs and a sleeping mask. Also, do your reaches before booking. If you are a light sleeper, make sure that you don’t pick a party hostel. In large cities, you will come across many hostels that are quitter albeit not very social, but if you are able to get a good night’s sleep, that will be a whole lot better than socializing.
Also, when traveling for cheap, make sure to check out discounts on hostels. When traveling to Europe check out HostelPass. This pass offers up to 20 percent discount on hostels all across Europe. They also keep adding new hostels so you will surely find something there that you like.
8. When Traveling with No Money Use Discounts and Student Cards

Student and other discount cards can come in handy when you are traveling with no money. If you are a student, teacher, or a person under the age of 26, then rejoice as you have just been granted entry to of world of 50 percent off on attractions and a plethora of other discounts. Therefore, when traveling abroad make sure to get a teacher, student, or youth card to save big.
Even if you have recently graduated, there is a chance that you can get by beautifully without your expired ID card, just make sure it doesn’t have the date of expiry printed on it. When traveling around, make sure to ask about youth and student discounts as this will help you save tons of money.
Many galleries, museums, and other tourist attractions, especially in Europe have discounts for youth and students. There are also discounts for senior travelers and veterans on some attractions and eateries as well. Therefore, always remember to ask.
9. When Traveling for Cheap Get City Tourist CardsÂ

If you plan on visiting a lot of sites in the city you are traveling to, then in order to save some money, get a city tourism card. This card is your one-way ticket to traveling for cheap, and it will offer you a discount and/or free entry to the major attritional and museums in the city, as well as free public transportation. All you have to do is head down to the local tourism office and enquire about the cards that are available. They will not only help answer all your questions but will also offer you some money-saving tips. However, keep in mind that not every city has tourism cards, but many major destinations do have them.
10. When Traveling With No Money, Capitalise on Your Skills

Traveling with no money does not mean that you get everything handed to you on a silver platter with the words free plastered on it. It means that will you try to find as many free things as possible, you also try to make some cash along to help with minute expenditures. You don’t have to commit to a solid job overseas just to make money, instead, you can work for a day and get the cash that can get you by for a week or so.
To find paid odd jobs, you can use sources like Craigslist which operates in 70 countries around the globe, TaskRabbit which operates mainly in Canada and the U.S. and in some areas of Spain and Italy, or GumTree which is a UK-based platform. on these platforms, you can find jobs like assisting people who need a few things done around the house or helping move stuff, etc.  Â
These platforms allow you to make money as you travel without a long-term commitment. Moreover, if you have any skill, you must sell it to earn a few bucks. If you are great at cutting hair, offer your services to other travelers, you can also busk for money, or provide online services like graphic designing, consulting editing etc. The internet has made it immensely easy to work from anywhere in the work, all you need to have is a stable Wi-Fi and you are good to go.
11. When Traveling with No Money, Stay for Free

When traveling for cheap, the best thing that you can do is stay for free. There are tons of services available on the internet that connect travelers with locals who are willing to share their accommodation for free. By using these sites, you will never have to pay for lodging ever again. To show your gratitude you can cook for your host, do some chores around the house, take them out for a drink, or bring them a souvenir from home, all of which are much cheaper than paying for accommodation.
When you use these services sometimes you either get a full room to yourself while sometimes you are offered only a couch or an air mattress, but it is always free. Given below is a list of websites via which you can get free accommodation anywhere in the world.Â
12. When Traveling for Free, Hitchhike

One of the best things that you can do when traveling for cheap is hitchhike. Hitchhiking is a free way to get around and is relatively safe. It is quite common in many parts of the globe like Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, Central America, New Zealand, and Australia. Even though many believe hitchhiking to be a dangerous endeavor, all you need to have is some common sense, a bite of patience, and self-defense equipment and you can get around easily without having to pay tons of money. Below are a few tips that you must take into consideration when hitchhiking:
- Make a legible sign that tells people where you are headed to. This will make it easier for drivers to decide if they can help you or not.
- Make sure to look presentable. Wear clean clothes and a warm smile, and make sure you aren’t obscuring your face with something like sunglasses, for peace of mind and safety reasons, people want to see who they are picking up.
- Hitchhiking is illegal in some places, therefore always make sure to check the laws of the place you are traveling to.
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