Who doesn’t love a good ghost story? Especially with Halloween around the corner, most of us are scampering to the bookstores to buy good horror books or are Netflexing spooky movies. Our world is full of spooky folklore and legends. Countless haunted places have become tourist attractions and places for shooting horror movies. Let’s admit, there is fun in visiting such places, the adrenaline rush we feel while walking on the staircase of a haunted house is immeasurable.
Although most of us will run for the door if a mere shadow were to cross our path, some of us however, are brave enough to venture a bit deeper into the supernatural world. Let’s look at a list of top most haunted hotels you might want to visit during the spookiest time of the year. Don’t forget your bible and cross through.
“October was always the least dependable of months … full of ghosts and shadows.”
Joy Fielding
Top Most Haunted Hotels – A Quick Glance
With yellowing leaves and a cold breeze, nature hints towards the change in season. As winter approaches and October 31st is not far behind, our thirst for spooky things increases. There is just something about the dreary cold winter nights that invokes an unbearable hunger for all things paranormal. So, we decided to tell you about the most haunted hotels around the world that you might want to visit when the nights get long and cold.
List of Top Most Haunted Hotels
Top Most Haunted Hotels – Overview
Given below are brief overviews of the top most haunted hotels in the world. Keep on reading to see what ghouls and ghosts they house in their extravagant rooms.
1. The Stanley Hotel, Estes Park, Colorado – #1 among the Top Most Haunted Hotels

Like other horror stories go, this one carries the same eerie beginning, a dying man running from his inevitable death.
From the outside Stanley Hotel seems like a beautiful, normal place to vacation, however behind the beautiful exterior lies a dark past. The hotel was built by Freelan Oscar Stanley in the year 1903. Stanley came to the Estes Valley to recover from tuberculosis. He thought the fresh and clean air must be good for him and miraculously it was, as Stanley recovered just after two weeks of staying there. After recovering he and his wife decided to build a beautiful Edwardian hotel in the area.
The hotel opened its doors to the public in 1909. Although it was in the middle of nowhere it still had electricity, modern bathrooms, a telephone, and cooking and cleaning staff adorned in professional uniforms.
The Downfall of Stanley
For years Stanley was seen as the epitome of beauty and wealth. However, in the year 1979, the hotel fell into great despair. Stanley became an empty shell due to a lack of investment and negligence. Tourists visiting it began to complain of hearing eerie noises and feeling uncomfortable. Some of them also said that while staying at the Stanley they felt an uncanny sensation of being watched them. Soon after people started calling the place cursed and it would have been demolished if it weren’t for the famous horror writer Stephan King.
The Shinning
Almost all of the Stephan King fans out there must be aware that the hotel in Shining was inspired by the Stanley Hotel. In the 1970s King was struggling with his new project and wanted to stay at an isolated location to complete his work in peace, people suggested that he visit The Stanley as it wasn’t only isolated but also didn’t receive a lot of guests. So, Stephen and his wife Tabitha set out for Stanley. When they got there the entire hotel was empty as they were closing it the next day.
Room 217
King and his wife checked into Room 217. However, King, had a restless night as the wind kept him up most of the night and when he did sleep, he had a nightmare about his son being chased down the hotel hallways by a fire hose. After waking up in a panic, King lit a cigarette and stared out the window. By the time he took his last puff, King had already come up with the story of The Shining.
The Night of June 25, 1911
Stephan wasn’t the only one who had a horrible vivid nightmare in the room. Others who stayed in the room before him complained of weird occupancies. Most believe it to be tied to the incident that happened in the room in the year 1911. In 1911 the valley experienced flooding and the electricity of the hotel went out. When the chambermaid Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson went to room 217 to light the lantern an explosion took place as the room had a gas leakage. Even though Wilson survived people believe that her ghost still haunts the room.
The Helpful and a Bit Old-Fashioned Ghost of Mrs. Wilson
Guests staying in the room reported the arrangement of furniture getting mysteriously altered, their luggage getting unpacked by some otherworldly force, and some even awoke to a tidier room. What a meticulous ghost! we wouldn’t mind getting one though. Mrs. Wilson is also believed to be an old-fashioned ghost as she doesn’t allow unmarried couples to sleep in the same room. Couples have complained of a cold force between them. Sometimes she goes a step further and also packs the guy’s luggage, hinting that she doesn’t want him there.
Disney Land for Ghosts
The major aspect that makes the Stanley one of the most haunted hotels is its staircase is called The Vortex and is believed to be a gateway between dimensions. Guests have complained of feeling cold and dizzy on the stairs. Cameras have also captured orbs floating in the air on the staircase. Some even claim to have seen the ghost of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley on the top of the stairs. Stanley is like a Disneyland for ghosts and offers its guests a front-row seat to all the paranormal activities like eerie laughter, shadowy figures, flickering lights, and machine malfunctions. If you are lucky enough, you might even see twin girls standing at the end of the hallway.
2. Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel, Alberta, Canada – Most Glamorous among the Top Most Haunted Hotels

Fairmont Hotel founded in 1888, has seen splendor and glamor, but it has also seen a few too many tragedies. Fairmont Hotel was known previously as Banff Hotel and is located in Banff, Alberta, Canada. The hotel was opened by the Canadian Pacific Railway and was designed by Bruce Price. However, a fire in 1926 destroyed the original architecture of the hotel and it was rebuilt in the year 1928. Over the years Fairmont Banff Hotel has seen its fair share of tragedies from murders to suicide to paranormal occurrences, making it one of the most haunted hotels in the world.
Secret Room
The contractor mistakenly built a room without any windows or doors. The hotel owner was not made aware of this room and came to know of it after the 1926 fire. Ever since then guests have seen shadows lurking around the secret room.
The Bride
In 1920 a young couple got married at the Fairmont Banff Hotel. The bride adorned a beautiful flowy dress but unfortunately met a very tragic end because of this dress. Some say that while walking down the stairs the dress caught fire from the candles lining the stairs. In her panic the bird tripped and fell, breaking her neck. Others say that she got startled and tripped over the hem of the dress. Nevertheless, she met the same tragic end. Some guests have claimed to have seen her dancing in her wedding gown. Staff and guests have also reported seeing a veiled figure walking up the stairs.
Sam, the Bellman
Sam McCauley was the head bellman at Fairmont Banff Hotel. He was an old Scottish man in his sixties or seventies who passed away in the year 1975. Sam’s ghost is still believed to haunt the hotel, however, instead of a spooky ghost, he is a helpful one. Guest have claimed to have seen his silhouette and some claimed that he helped them.
In one incident, two elderly women were ringing for the bellman as they were unable to unlock their door. The bellman however was busy at the time.Later when he visited the women, he was told that someone matching Sam’s description aided them. Staff and guests have also seen him roaming around his old office and some have felt chills while walking in the corridors.
Haunted Rooms
Even though the staff won’t say, most of the rooms in the hotel are haunted. People staying there have reported being kicked off the bed or having their pillows snatched from under their heads. The restless ghosts won’t let the guests rest and have disturbed them in one way or another. The most haunting and horrifying room of the hotel is room 873.
An entire family was murdered in the room and guests who stayed there after the murder reported weird occurrences. Some say that they woke up to people screaming. Others say that when they woke up in the middle of the night, due to an uneasy feeling, they found bloody handprints on the mirrors. Due to these occurrences, room 873 has been sealed shut. But hey there are plenty of other ghosts to go around if you happened to visit the place.
3. The Lord Milner Hotel, Matjiesfontein, South Africa – Most Eerie among the Top Most Haunted Hotels

The Lord Milner Hotel previously known as Milner Hotel was built in the year 1988 by James Logan. The hotel was initially used as a military hospital during the South African War. David Rawdon, a well-known hotelier, purchased the Matjiesfontein village in 1969. After extensive renovations, David renamed the hotel, Lord Milner Hotel and opened its doors to the public in 1970. The Rawdon family are the custodians of the hotel to this very day. Being a part of the most haunted hotels in the world, it houses quite a few ghosts and ghouls.
Lucy is a live-in ghost of Lord Miler and many guests have claimed to have seen her roaming the halls. Staff and guests alike have spotted her floating in the air wearing a negligee. Those who have come across her said that she is an ethereal and friendly ghost. Most believed that Lucy was the guest who stayed on the first floor of the hotel eons ago. However, she never checked out because she passed away in her room shortly after moving there. People staying on the first floor have claimed to have heard screams and whispers coming from the hallway.
Kate with Cards
Another female ghost occupying the premises of Lord Miler Hotel is Kate. Kate was a nurse during the war and loved playing cards with the patients. However, Kate died at the age of 19, after which the room in which Kate loved playing cards was named Kate’s Card Room, a plaque with the inscription hangs outside the room even today.
Several guests have seen Kate floating around. Once a guest saw a shadowy figure walking in the hallway of Kate’s Card Room. A few minutes after seeing it the guest went up to Kate’s Card Room. Standing outside the room, the guest heard voices. However, when she opened the room, she found it empty.
The Lady in White
The ghost of a lady wearing a white nightgown can be seen roaming the gardens of The Lord Miller Hotel. Although the ghost hasn’t harmed anyone, she does love to disturb the guests by opening their doors and rattling the doorknobs. Some people have even felt a chill while walking the halls of Lord Miler Hotel.
4. Hotel Chelsea, New York City – Most Infamous among the Top Most Haunted Hotels

The Hotel Chelsea was formally an apartment co-op, The Chelsea, and opened its doors to the people in 1884. It was built by the architect Philip Hubert. When Philip went bankrupt in 1905 Chelsea was converted into a luxury hotel and was renamed, The Chelsea Hotel. Many famous people graced the hotel with their presence such as Marylyn Monroe, Mark Twain, John Sloan, and Dylan Thomas.
Unfortunately, Dylan Thomas never made it out of the hotel. He fell into a coma while staying there and died four days later. The death of Dylan Thomas added to the reputation of the Chelsea Hotel and my people came to stay there. To honor the legendary Welsh poet, they even installed a plaque at the entrance of the hotel that reads:
“Dylan Thomas lived and wrote at the Chelsea Hotel and from here he sailed out to die.”
Unfortunately, the hotel is now just a shell of its previous self. Its hallways are now dusty, and its paintings crooked. But thanks to the ghosts of the hotel, it is renowned as one of the most haunted hotels in the world and is still in business.You can even visit it during the spookiest time of all, greet a ghost or two. Or just observe them from afar.
The Vain Mary
Mary survived the Titanic incident; however, death relentlessly followed her and soon took her with it. After the accident, Mary came to stay at the Hotel Chelsea. She couldn’t cope with the death of her husband who died on the Titanic and fell into depression. One day she couldn’t take it anymore and hung herself in her room that was located on the fifth floor. Guests claimed to have seen the ghost of Mary, checking herself out in the mirror. Mary is a vain and deceitful ghost and doesn’t like people. Those who dare disturb her run out of the hotel faster than Usain Bolt.
Severed Hand Ghost, Nadia
Nadia was in her twenties when she killed herself by jumping out the window of the Chelsea Hotel. She was an artist and had big dreams. However, they came to a stop when she fell in love and married a handsome man. The marriage turned out to be a disaster because her husband was an alcoholic. Nadia had to fend for herself and her two kids. She got so desperate that she went to her father who was a wealthy man and begged him to let her stay at Chelsea. He agreed on the condition that she would do all the housework.
Nadia would sweep the floors, wash clothes, and work in the kitchen. She got so miserable for not being able to achieve her dream that she cut her right hand. However, not being able to bear the pain she threw herself out of the window and fell to her death. People have seen the ghost of Nadia roaming at the entrance of the hotel, trying to get inside.
Other Occurrences
Guests staying at the hotel reported seeing shadows and hearing voices. Some have complained that the lights in their rooms would turn on and off on their own. Once a guest took a picture inside the hotel. When the photo was developed, a shadowy figure, which was not there when the photo was taken, was seen in the photo.
5. The Langham Hotel, London – Most Mesmerising among the Top 7 Most Haunted Hotels

The Langham Hotel opened its doors in 1865 and immediately became the most coveted hotel in London. It became a symbol of beauty, wealth, and splendour and is the most mesmerising among the top most haunted hotels. With its 500 rooms and suites, the Langham Hotel was a sight to behold. Despite the mesmerising exterior, the Langham is also home to paranormal and supernatural entities, and is regraded by its guests as one of the most haunted hotels in the city.
German Nobleman
The most notorious ghost of the Langham Hotel is the ghost of a German nobleman. It is said that the man was staying at the hotel when he took his own life. The nobleman jumped from the upper story room to his death. People have claimed to see him roaming the halls and walking through walls. Those who have seen him claimed to have experienced a sudden drop in temperature and dizziness.
Room 333
This room is believed to be haunted by a Victorian man, who is missing the lower part of his legs. A BBC announcer encountered this ghost while he was staying in room 333. One night the announcer woke up to see an orb of light that slowly took a humanoid shape. When the announcer asked what the ghost wanted, it came at him with outstretched arms and empty eyes. Seeing this announcer ran to his coworker’s room and told him everything. When they came back to check the room, the entity was there however it was slowly fading away until it completely vanished before their eyes.
Other Occurrences
When England’s cricket team stayed at the Langham Hotel, they also experienced some eerie occurrences. Stuart Broad said that on a hot, humid night, he was trying his best to sleep when all of a sudden, the bathroom taps came on. Started, he turned on the light to check, but the taps were closed. Thinking it was just his imagination he turned off the light to go back to sleep. However, as soon as he turned it off, the taps came on again. Broad got so freaked out because of this that he immediately requested to change rooms.
Top 10 Cheapest Hotels in London
If you are too spooked out to stay in the Langham Hotel, you can check out our article on the top 10 cheapest hotels in London. Where you will find the most accommodating and comfy hotels, that will offer you the ultimate London experience without breaking the bank.
6. Ruthin Castle Hotel and Spa, Wales – Historically Rich among the Top Most Haunted Hotels

Not much is known about Ruthin Castle, past 1277. After the conclusion of the First War of Welsh independence, Ruthin Caste was given to Dafydd ap Gruffydd, who was the brother of the Prince of Wales. After the rebellion of Gruffydd, the castle was awarded to Reginald de Grey. Extensive upgrades were made in the castle while it was in the custody of Grey.
The Grey family was the custodian of the castle in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. However, George de Grey transferred ownership of the castle to the crown in 1508. The crown didn’t hold onto the castle for long and it was sold off to Sir Thomas Myddleton of Chirk. In 1923 the castle was converted into a private hospital, which closed down in 1950. The remains of the castle were made into a hotel in the 1960s and now it is a part of the most wanted hotels, housing vengeful ghost, and restless spirits.
Lady Grey- A Tale of Jealousy
During the reign of Edward, the First, Ruthin Castle was a military fortress. There Lady Grey lived with her husband who was the second in command. Driven by madness upon finding out about her husband’s explicit affair, she gruesomely murdered his lover with an axe. Lady Grey was executed for this crime and was buried outside the walls of the castle.
Having died a painful and vengeful death, locals claim that her ghost is still trapped in the castle. Guests have seen her wandering the halls. Some have also repeated seeing a mad woman walking through the banquet halls, wielding an ax.
The Soldier Ghost
Guests staying at the hotel have also sighted a man wearing a soldier’s uniform. Some believe him to be part of King Edwards’s army. Some say he died while defending the castle. However, those who have seen him claim that he doesn’t interact with anyone and is most of the time found in a state of confusion.
Room 222
Room 222 is considered to be the most haunted room in the Hotel. People staying there have experienced extreme drops in temperature. Some have heard sounds, and continuous taps on doors.
Tiptoes and Giggles
Guest have also claimed to have seen the shadow of a child running around. They say the girl’s ghost knocks on all the doors at night and runs away. They’ve seen a giggling girl run in the hallways and on the roof. No one knows who this girl is however it is believed that she might be the spirit of a patient who passed away here while the hotel was a hospital.
7. Roch Castle Hotel, Wales – Oldest among the Top Most Haunted Hotels

Roch Castle is the oldest hotel among the top 7 most haunted hotels and was built in the 12th century by a Norman Knight, Adam de Rupe. The castle became ownerless when the deRupe family died. The castle found its owner in the Walter family two centuries later. In 1644 the castle was burned down by the parliamentary forces, making the Walter family flee for their lives. The decaying and abandoned castle was purchased in 1900 by John Phillips.
He restored the castle with steel frames and concrete floors. The castle was further upgraded in the year 1910. Roch Castle was made into a hotel in 2008 when Keith Griffiths purchased it. What Keith didn’t know that the hotel will become infamous for its ghostly sighting and will became a part of the most haunted hotels list.
Adam de Rupe
Adam de Rupe still resides in the Roch Castle Hotel. He was warned by a witch that his life would come to an end by the bite of a viper. To protect himself, Adam locked himself in the castle. However, soon winter came. Not being able to cope with the relentless cold, he sent his servant out to get firewood. The negligent servant brought the firewood inside, oblivious to the fact that she brought death to her master’s door. Hidden amongst the wood was a viper that bit Adam while he was making fire. Unable to deceive his fate, Adam died soon after and haunts the castle to this very day.
Lucy Walter
Lucy Walter, who was once the owner of the Roch castle is believed to haunt it. Guest have claimed to have seen a woman, which they believe to be Lucy, floating around the halls and moving through walls. Most people have also heard footsteps and whispers in the dead of the night.